Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gay couples Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gay couples - Essay Example in Cooke, para.2), that two men or women can raise kids better in terms of sexual growth, than a man or a woman in a traditional home setting. Kids of gay couples do not have to see one of their parents involved in extra-marital affairs. They do not have to see their moms and dads fighting with each other every day (Sharee). Kids pay little attention to what the relationship between their parents is, or whether or not their relationship relates to societal norms or not. All they want is love, of parents towards them and also towards each other. So, the relationship between parents has nothing to do with children becoming homo- or hetero-sexual. To conclude, children of same-sex couples are all the same as children of gay couples. They get full attention from their parents, and this is all that is needed for healthy sexual growth. Becoming a homosexual is a matter of abnormal sexual orientation by nature, and not by

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